
Scholarship program for Natural Sciences and Engineering (*2022-2 POSCO Asia Fellowship)

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POSCO TJ Park Foundation is planning to run a pilot fellowship for those who wish to apply for graduate school of natural sciences and engineering major in the fall semester, 2022.


Actually, the selection of fellowships in 2022 was completed last year. The foundation would like to select additional students who are applying for graduate school of natural sciences and engineering in the upcoming fall semester.


In this “2022-2 POSCO Asia Fellowship” is for those who are expected to enter natural sciences and engineering fields only. The number of selections will be less than 10.


For more information on the selection process, please check the website announcement in March 2nd, 2022.


For the spring semester of 2023, the recruitment will be in the second half of this year. (*details will be on the website later)