'Scholarship for Asian Universities' supports
outstanding students of prestigeous partner universities in Asian countries
so that they can be fully committed to their study.

Asian countries share cultural similarities, but they show distinctive characteristics, at the same time. To respect mutual cultural diversity and to establish a network for exchange and communication, university-based cooperation should be prioritized, since universities in a society stand at the forefront of academic discipline.

'Scholarship for Asian universities' was the very first program in Korea, initiated by a private sector to provide Asia-wide scholarship.

Through this program, our Foundation introduces POSCO Asia Fellowship to Asian countries and bridges Korea and Asia.

at a glance

  1. 01 Qualification
    • Outstanding students with passions for studying in Asian universities
  2. 02 Selection
    • Every Sept.-Nov. * varies with circumstances
  3. 03 Capacity
    • 240 Students from 20 Universities in 10 Countries

for Fellows

  1. Scholarship
    • Tuition fee or Living expenses
      (Fully or Partially-covered)
  2. Educational Program
    • Educational Seminar
    • Workshop for Action
    • Junior Opinion Leader Fellowship
  3. Community-building Activities
    • Orientation
    • Activities


  1. 01 (Jan.-Apr.) Signing MOU
  2. 02 (Jul.-Sept.) Recruitment Announcement
  3. 03 (Sept.-Nov.) Selection of Fellows
  4. 04 (Sept.-Nov.) Certificate Awarding Ceremony
  5. 05 (Sept.-Nov.) Transfer of Scholarship (Foundation→University)
  6. 06 (Sept.-Nov.) Orientation
  7. 07 (All year round) Community-building Activites (Educational Programs included)
  • The procedures and the timeline is subjec to change, depending on universities' circumstances.
  • All fellows, including those selected in the year, are welcomed to attend community-building activities.

Partner Universities in Asia

  • 중국 국기 이미지 China

    Peking Univ., Tsinghua Univ.

  • 베트남 국기 이미지 Vietnam

    Vietnam National Univ.-Hanoi, Vietnam National Univ.-Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi Univ. of Science and Technology

  • 인도 국기 이미지 India

    Jawaharlal Nehru Univ., Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological Univ.

  • 태국 국기 이미지 Thailand

    Chulalongkorn Univ. Thammasat Univ.

  • 말레이시아 국기 이미지 Malaysia

    Univ. of Malaya

  • 터키 국기 이미지 Turkiye

    Ankara Univ., Kocaeli Univ.

  • 인도네시아 국기 이미지 Indonesia

    Univ. of Indonesia(undergraduates + graduates), Univ. of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa(UNTIRTA),Bandung Institute of Technology

  • 카자흐스탄 국기 이미지 Kazakhstan

    Al-Farabi Kazakh National Univ.

  • 미얀마 국기 이미지 Myanmmar

    Univ. of Yangon

  • 아르헨티나 국기 이미지 Argentina

    National Univ. of Salta, Salta Catholic Univ., National Univ. of Catamarca

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